. . . . Fleetwood Macs'
Albatross rhythmically pulsating to a soft crescendo...........
...... the camera slowly panning into a sumptuous and mouth watering treat.......
....... a husky yet sensual female voice breathes:
This is no ordinary Peanut Butter Cup.
This is a hand crafted, Triple Chocolate Enrobed, Sweet Peanut Truffle.

Well it sounds good doesn't it?!!!! I made them myself from a Nigella recipe. I just love Reeces' Peanut Cups so jumped at the thought of making my own last week. And they were Delicious. With a capital D. Katrina came over to, erm supervise, her being the queen of all things baking, and even she, who has held a life long detest of peanut butter, could not get enough of them. The recipe made a batch of around 52, and between myself, Lee, Katrina and my mum, they were all gone within two days!!! (And I will point out that the McKenna System seems relatively unharmed for it too. I only ate them when I was hungry lol!!!).
knew there was a Domestic Goddess in me somewhere!!!
Although the feeling soon disappeared when I had to scrape skets of melted chocolate off every kitchen surface and appliance. I bet Nigella doesn't have to do her own cleaning up. Harruuuumph.
Catch ya later lovelies :)
Wow!!! I bow to your domestic godessness!!!! They look lubberly!
Paul's book arrived yesterday, but I've been feeling so grot I haven't had the energy to read it (well...I read half of it and then collapsed in a coughing coma - bah!)
Oh my goodness! Reece's Peanut Butter Cups!? I am off to look for Nigella's recipe.... If I don't find it, I'll be back here, asking you! I'm sure they were super yum!
Uh oh! I was struggling to stay on the wagon today: may just have fallen off!! They look fab!
Bringing any to Crickhowell? Pretty Please?
Nat, you so neeeeeed to bring some of those to the retreat! I'll be your bestest friend :D
Can you ship those internationally?!?! They look super delicious! You know, peanuts are protein so it was like eating little protein snacks. Bet Paul'd be fine with that.
Ooooh Nat, I need....they look yummydoo!!!
I daren't ask for the recipe though cos I wouldn't be able to stop making them LOL!
Oh my gosh Nattie, they look incredibly delicious!! Might have to let me know the recipe for that one! Especially if they use peanut butter as I have a jar in my fridge doing nothing! :o)
Happy Valentine's Day by the way xxx
wooo they look sooooo yummy Nat x
OMG!!! I want one of those, or even several!!! I LOVE Reece's peanut cakes - need to go and have a gander through the ol' Nigella book for the recipe!
It had better be wheat free!!!!!!
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