Hello my festive friends!
Just a quick update on the hectic past week!
Saturday was the 12hour South Wales Chrimbo crop. A fab time was had by all - made some really cool necklaces using Perspex shapes and patterned paper in one of the classes, and I actually managed to work on three (yes - THREE!) different seasonal pages – will promise to upload the pictures as soon as I find some time to actually finish the layouts lol!! Gems and I had a good giggle as usual :)
Tuesday was my lubberly other half’s birthday – oh bless him he’s getting old! We celebrated in style by heading over to his parents where his immediate family joined us in the most humungous Chinese take away you ever did see. And being the cheeky so and so he is, he even blagged a free bottle of bubbly to go with the order! With his birthday being so close to Christmas we are often, unintentionally, too caught up in seasonal preparations to make time to have special celebrations just for him– so it was really nice to have a special evening for him this year!
Harrison, Lee’s Nephew came over that afternoon – and much hilarity ensued – he’s so full of beans! I’ve got some cracking photos from the day so I’ll get them up asap!
Lee’s been absolutely poorly all week – it started with sickness and then developed into the flu – I’ve fought it off all this time but lo and behold this afternoon it’s well and truly kicked in and my nose is streaming, my throat is burning and every inch of me is aching and feeling generally pants. SO I’m dosed up to the eyeballs in the hope to get it out of my system, by, er, well, tomorrow morning! I’ve got sooooo much left to do!
But at least I finally finished all our shopping off today! Our food shopping consisted of a four hour shopping trip after midnight on Thursday! Two hours at Tesco followed by two at Asda. We thought we’d be really clever in doing so – but it appeared the rest of Swansea had the same idea and Tesco, for one, was bouncing! When we finally got out of Asda at gone 2.30am – I saw Freezing fog for the first time in my life. I’ve of course heard the phrase bandied around but never actually imagined what it would look like. I gotta admit it was beautiful and magical – like somebody had thrown tons upon tons of fine glitter high up into the air to flutter down around us – but it was also scary that it was soooo cold that the damp air could freeze in the first place!
It was also me mukka Ali’s birthday on Thursday – so we met for lunch, coffee and a natter. I love that gal! She managed that morning to fulfil her annual chrimbo car crash too! It just aint chrimbo without her having a little bump at the supermarket.
Speaking of which - scary moment last night – Katrina’s boyfriend drove to our house to collect their pram (long story but I had to take it home with me yesterday afternoon) and skidded on ice just outside our house. We live in a narrow cul-de-sac, and as a result he was pin-balled from car to car and managed to not only total his own car but a few of the neighbours too. Thank god he was ok, and that he’d taken my sister and the baby home before calling to out house. To add to the commotion, one of the neighbours came out to see what happened and slipped on the ice.
Down side now is that they are without transport over the holidays :(
I had my own scary weather moment yesterday too! The fog and ice would each be terrible enough in their own right – but together they have been making a lethal and a terrifying combination. I went to pick Lee form work and totally lost my bearings in the fog and went the wrong way – there were no other cars ahead/tail lights for me to follow and the fog was literally so thick I had NO idea what my positioning was in the road – I couldn’t see the kerbstones or the road markings and didn’t have a clue where I was. I was terrified, shaking and crying like a baby to the extent that Lee had to drive the rest of the way home once I finally managed to get to him. I of course now feel like a total wuss and put it down to tiredness and coming down with this bug lol!
So, that is the week that was!
If you’ve been a brave blogeroonie and stuck with this rambling post up ‘til now - that just leaves me to wish you all a very

Just a quick update on the hectic past week!
Saturday was the 12hour South Wales Chrimbo crop. A fab time was had by all - made some really cool necklaces using Perspex shapes and patterned paper in one of the classes, and I actually managed to work on three (yes - THREE!) different seasonal pages – will promise to upload the pictures as soon as I find some time to actually finish the layouts lol!! Gems and I had a good giggle as usual :)
Tuesday was my lubberly other half’s birthday – oh bless him he’s getting old! We celebrated in style by heading over to his parents where his immediate family joined us in the most humungous Chinese take away you ever did see. And being the cheeky so and so he is, he even blagged a free bottle of bubbly to go with the order! With his birthday being so close to Christmas we are often, unintentionally, too caught up in seasonal preparations to make time to have special celebrations just for him– so it was really nice to have a special evening for him this year!
Harrison, Lee’s Nephew came over that afternoon – and much hilarity ensued – he’s so full of beans! I’ve got some cracking photos from the day so I’ll get them up asap!
Lee’s been absolutely poorly all week – it started with sickness and then developed into the flu – I’ve fought it off all this time but lo and behold this afternoon it’s well and truly kicked in and my nose is streaming, my throat is burning and every inch of me is aching and feeling generally pants. SO I’m dosed up to the eyeballs in the hope to get it out of my system, by, er, well, tomorrow morning! I’ve got sooooo much left to do!
But at least I finally finished all our shopping off today! Our food shopping consisted of a four hour shopping trip after midnight on Thursday! Two hours at Tesco followed by two at Asda. We thought we’d be really clever in doing so – but it appeared the rest of Swansea had the same idea and Tesco, for one, was bouncing! When we finally got out of Asda at gone 2.30am – I saw Freezing fog for the first time in my life. I’ve of course heard the phrase bandied around but never actually imagined what it would look like. I gotta admit it was beautiful and magical – like somebody had thrown tons upon tons of fine glitter high up into the air to flutter down around us – but it was also scary that it was soooo cold that the damp air could freeze in the first place!
It was also me mukka Ali’s birthday on Thursday – so we met for lunch, coffee and a natter. I love that gal! She managed that morning to fulfil her annual chrimbo car crash too! It just aint chrimbo without her having a little bump at the supermarket.
Speaking of which - scary moment last night – Katrina’s boyfriend drove to our house to collect their pram (long story but I had to take it home with me yesterday afternoon) and skidded on ice just outside our house. We live in a narrow cul-de-sac, and as a result he was pin-balled from car to car and managed to not only total his own car but a few of the neighbours too. Thank god he was ok, and that he’d taken my sister and the baby home before calling to out house. To add to the commotion, one of the neighbours came out to see what happened and slipped on the ice.
Down side now is that they are without transport over the holidays :(
I had my own scary weather moment yesterday too! The fog and ice would each be terrible enough in their own right – but together they have been making a lethal and a terrifying combination. I went to pick Lee form work and totally lost my bearings in the fog and went the wrong way – there were no other cars ahead/tail lights for me to follow and the fog was literally so thick I had NO idea what my positioning was in the road – I couldn’t see the kerbstones or the road markings and didn’t have a clue where I was. I was terrified, shaking and crying like a baby to the extent that Lee had to drive the rest of the way home once I finally managed to get to him. I of course now feel like a total wuss and put it down to tiredness and coming down with this bug lol!
So, that is the week that was!
If you’ve been a brave blogeroonie and stuck with this rambling post up ‘til now - that just leaves me to wish you all a very

I hope it’s a happy, healthy and snug one for you all!
Love and hugs, Nat xxxx
Love and hugs, Nat xxxx
Gosh Nat, your life is never dull is it hun!!
Hope you're all okay by tomorrow.
Take care and have a Wonderful Christmas.
Aww Hunny, I really hope you are feeling loads better! *Hugs*
I've had the dreaded flu bug too, but the worst of it has gone now thankfully. Although I have no sense of taste which kinda sucks!
Anyhoo, hope you and your fantastic family have a great Chrismtas day, and Santa brings you all you wished for, because you deserve it chicky!
Love ya xxxxx
Oh, scary!! I hate fog too, but at least ours cleared before we had to go anywhere.
Hope you feel heaps better, and
Happy Christmas!!
That's a whole lot going on for the end of the year! At least you'll start 2007 healthy and safe.
Happy holidays!
jeezy peeps Nat hope all's well now, and you all had a fabby crimbo xxx
Hope everythings ok for you Nat.
Just popped on to wish you a happy and peaceful New Year.
Big hugs - Cal xx
Well I dunno what's wrong with Bloglines because I hadn't had any messages that you'd updated...that's why I hadn't looked. It's just taken me half an hour to catch up and then I read fast! LOL
Happy New Year: are you gonna post a piccy of the necklace? Sounds fab!
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