The picture is of my grandparents and I on a day trip to Brecon, and I distinctly remember visiting this tiny toy shop in which you could barely swing a cat, and they bought me my first ever "My Little Pony". She was the blue one with a rainbow on her back, and rainbow coloured hair - for all you MLP fanatics out there!!! The page was created using some of the new Gypsy range from BG - I loved how these particular ones picked out the colours of my nanny's dress - and actually the bag around my neck was that colour too - although it doesn't show too well in the photo. that was a MLP bag too ya know!! Had a go at some weird doodley flourishes at the corner of the photo - but it was a bit of a disaster and I'm not that taken by it. Still, if you don't try you'll never learn eh?! It's also an attempt at the new, simplified and speedy approach to scrapbooking I mentioned I was hoping to move towards a few posts back. Lots of white space, quite literally, and it only took me four and a half hours hehehehehe! That's progress, believe me!!

And, to take advantage of Bloggers most wonderful generosity in the piccy department, here's a snap of my Road to Nowhere LO in this months Scrapbook Inspirations Readers' gallery. If anyone would like me to autograph their copy - it'll cost cha!! Mwwwooooohahaha cackle cackle!!! And I'll let you into a little secret - I actually cheated a bit on this pic as there were two cars speeding towards me on the road, but to help convey the usual isolated feel of the location - I zapped them out in my photosoftware!! Hohoho!! What fun eh?!

Have had a few email requests for an update on my sissy's latest pregnancy developments - thank you very much for your caring words and wishes. She was admitted today for further investigation regarding her general hugeness, high BP and feet like footballs (!!!) - but everything has been confirmed as tickedy boo and they do not wish to induce her at present. Although she still has four weeks to go, she is now measuring at the full 40 weeks, so basically baba could make an appearance at any time now!!!! Oooh I'm sooooooooo excited!! the only comparison I can make about how excited I am is like a kid waiting for Christmas - I've been a veeeewwwwwy good girl and I know Santa'll be coming soon - but it just ain't quick enough!!!
They were hoping that the scan today would finally reveal the baby's sex - but the naughty likkle monkey had other ideas, and once again, baba's legs were firmly clamped shut so it's likely to remain a mystery now until the big day!!!!
And…….they have finally been offered a house, which we are all off for a nosey about in tomorrow!
Other news.............I am totally lost without Lost. Just what am I going to do tomorrow night now that my viewing schedule has been rudely interrupted by the end of the series?! Can anyone recommend any good board games?!!!
For the season finale last week, I invited my buddy Sian around for the evening. I cooked a rather sumptuous African dish my grandparents brought home with them years ago whilst my aunt and uncle lived in Cape Town, and Sian, who is somewhat of a dab hand in the culinary department, was pretty impressed. Quite a feat for me I tell you (Nigella Lawson I ain't!!!) But she was a pleasure as guest, and even brought some treats for rocky and the cats, bless her little cotton/acrylic blend tootsie warmers. With the wine a-flowing and choccie being a-scoffed, we oohed, aahed and “my oh my”ed our way through the episodes. And what an episode it was ship maties – that series has more twists and turns than a curly wurly, I tell ‘ya!!
Can’t wait for the next series!!!!!!!
Right, tis all for now my blogeroonies – shall be back soon, I promise!!! xxx
Again, nice LOs.
I don't watch Lost, but I think the new season will start or has just started. Do I need to be taping them for you?
I think it's jut starting over there with you. You're missing a treat! I'm avoiding any possible spoilers like the plague!!
The end of Lost sucks doesn't it?! We watched the finale last night! Grrr! Isn't it frustrating?! For someone as inpatient as me, it is like torture! I want to know what is happening, and I want to know NOW!
That layout looks gorgeous Nat :o)
Fabby LO Nat and good to hear sis and babe are fine :-)
I'm so jealous, I wanted to watch Lost when it first started but other things always got in the way. So I haven't watched any of it in the hope that'll I buy all the series' on DVD and have a marathon tv watching session for about 3 months!
Lovely LO's Nat, bet your really chuffed with them being in the mags. The first one is very delicate the colours are beautiful.
great LOs Nat it is surprising how the much time it takes when you are trying to put less on a LO
I like the new add to your page - the scrapbooking head and hands. Very cute!
You promised you'd be back soon :o(
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