"What is the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for you - has someone ever done anything so romantic that even now when you look back and think about it, you smile?"
Bit of a corny one here, but given the topic I guess most responses will be (!) – but it has to be July 13th 2002.
Lee had arranged for us to stay on the beautiful Gower coast for the weekend, and on the Saturday, led me down to the beach for a picnic. I was slightly suspicious of his actions - but he assured me it was just because I was soooo special and I deserved a treat. But moments later, he took my hand, dropped to one knee and took out a ring and asked me to marry him.
As romantic as it was – I couldn’t quite believe it all and was in fits of giggles, and had to ask him to repeat himself about three times until the situation sunk in.
We spent the rest of the evening high up on the sand dunes – drinking champagne as we watched the sun go down.
Four years on, we still haven’t made concrete plans for the wedding, although we’ve found the most ideal location in a place that’s very special to us – it’s just that we’re just sooooooo poor! Seriously, most of our money has gone into renovating the house (and according to Lee – my Scrapbooking stash! Fancy that?!) – but now that that’s all completed, hopefully we can now start about thinking of saving towards getting married.

I have done a little bit of scrapping – here’s the LO that I will be teaching at the South Wales Crop next week – I’ve sent it to Chrissie so I’m sure it will be up on the Scrappers Unlimited website very soon.

Okey dokey – hope everyone is having a fab weekend – take care my blogeroonies!
Love, Nat xxx
Blinking gorgeous LO Nat. Look at the size of your sister's tummy, gosh, it's gonna be a big un, bless her, hope she's feeling okay, I know it's terrible tiresome towards the last few days, ankles swollen etc, lol. Can't wait for the news too. What a lovely thing of Lee to do when he proposed to you, bless. Beth XX
PS I have a lovely beige mac......will wear it to the Newport crop!! ;-)
Now that is definitely an 'r' moment how romantic is that.
Will look forward to see inspirations next month :)
Gorgeous LO and that is a seriously romantic moment! Awwwwww
That was a lovely moment to share!
And congrats to you and your friends for your achievements in scrapping! Inspirational!
Aww that is soo sweet :o)
Come on Kat's baby - it is time to come out now! I have no idea why I am so excited!
The layout looks lovely Nat. I'm trying to find a photo that will be okies to use with it.
Awww bless, what a romantic thing to do, bless his lil' cottons LOL
Wow, sis is getting big, not long to wait now though.
Fabby news about the article in SI, will be great to see you getting published again.
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